
Thursday, July 22, 2010

coming soon to the Veganzone

My creations will be feature soon on this blog for all of you, Vegans of the world!

Here a sneak peek of what I do

This Green Monster Mug was made for Angela from the blog. She just dig green monster in the morning so much and so do I!

When I went vegan, I searched the web like you probably all did, to find vegan bloggers and then i found her blog. We have so much in common and now, her blog is one of my favourite to follow! And yes, I confess, Angela made me realize that everything is possible when you speak from your heart and soul!
Thank you Angela!


  1. Just saw your Green Monster mug on Angela's blog-- it is SO cute! I had mug-envy. ;)

  2. Oh gosh, that is so cute!

  3. Thank you so much ladies for the comments, can't wait to show you the rest of what will be the start of my new collections!
